I'm currently working on a new design and organization, the site will be split into two sections for greater clarity and ease of use these will be a 'Guide To Helping Open Source Save The World' (or more likely a better title) which will be a book styled introduction to forwarding the open source movement by getting involved and donating or earning money.  The second section will be an appendix like list of useful open resources and projects with information and links.  
The plan will be that people read the guide first, either as a whole document or by simply skim reading relevant sections - then then use the resources to discover more projects and book mark the page as a useful page to return to.  
The third section of the site will then be implemented, a community driven portal with news and info about freedom related projects and their needs; if GNU have a donation drive it'll be posted here, if Wikipedia have a call out for more translators it'll be posted here, etc, - this will hopefully attract people to use the site regularly and in turn allow for the organization of community events, maybe running projects to publicise something or make group-effort posters which can be added to the various resource libraries (linked in 'the appendix') 
The final aim of the community portal will be to run competitions and events which promote or help the open source and creative commons movements.

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